Tuesday, January 13, 2015

USD 383 Board of Education

Jan. 7, 2015
Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer

Board members discussed a request from the City of Manhattan to construct a bicycle pathway along the vacated portion of Houston Street that runs through MHS East Campus.  Houston Street has been designated as a bike boulevard, and a bike path through the campus of MHS-E would provide for connectivity.  The bike path would involve no cost to the school district.  Board member Curt Herrman said he was not completely comfortable having a bike path through a school district parking lot and wondered who would have the right of way when students are crossing the bike path to attend gym class, who would be responsible for maintenance of the bike path, and wondered what happens if an accident should occur in the parking lot?  Darell Edie suggested putting up a speed limit sign that would limit bikes to 5 mph.  Pat Hudgins suggested signage that would deter usage of the bike path during the school day and also expressed concerns about students crossing the bike path as they walk to and from gym class.  Dave Colburn said the bike path would include a "yield to pedestrians" sign and agreed that a speed limit sign might be a good addition.  Leah Fliter said that maybe the board should invite representatives from the city to attend the second reading of the item.  The board approved 6-1 on first reading to accept the agreement to grant to the City of Manhattan a pedestrian and bicycle easement at MHS East Campus, with Herrman dissenting.

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