May 4, 2009
Barbara Withee, Observer
Members present: Jerry Reynard, Chairperson; Linda
Morse; Mike Hill; Bill Meredith; and Nikki Miller
Members absent: Stephanie Rolley and Mike
During the work session the legal department briefed
the board members on the legislative and quasi-judicial
roles of the Planning Board, open meeting laws and
conflict of interest issues.
Rob Ott, City Engineer presented an overview and
update of various public works projects in the city
during 2009 as well as projects under design by city
staff and/or consultants. They included
transportation, storm water, sanitary sewer and water
projects. Following are just a few of the proposed
projects and those in the planning stage:
1. The Marlatt waterway from Seth Child and
Kimball to Casement Road
2. Water drainage problem affecting the Tecumseh
Road and Quivera . This is drainage from areas to the
north and west, including Bramlage parking area.
3. The Eureka Road area and a tributary study to deal
with flooding from drainage from Fort Riley.
4. Recycling of water from the new children’s splash
park to be used for watering City Park.
5. Lengthening the left turn lane at Anderson and
17th Street.
6. Widening Bluemont to five lanes at Juliette with
turning lanes from both directions.
7. Realigning Marlatt at US 24 with a traffic signal at
that corner and an underground pedestrian crossing.
8. Fourth and Bluemont roundabout.
9. Squaring the intersection of McCall Road and US
10. McCall will eventually become five lanes.
11. West Anderson Avenue upgrades.
12. Right turn lane off Claflin Road entering Seth
Child Road-KS113.
13. Resurface Fort Riley Boulevard from Westwood
west to Clarion Hotel.
A number of other projects not mentioned above
relate to improvements to the water and sewer systems,
the south 4th street improvements, changes necessary
in planning for NBAF, water treatment expansion and
study of the levee along the Kansas and Blue Rivers
which is no longer adequate.
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