Monday, May 24, 2010

Riley County Commission

May 24, 2010
Joan Strickler,observer

All Commissioners present, Kearns presiding.

A final public hearing was held pertaining to a regulatory amendment concerning special events. Monty Wedel, Planning/Special Projects Director, reviewed input received during public meetings in regard to the proposed regulation. The regulation would impose varying levels of requirements depending upon the size of the event as well as its duration and frequency. Commissioners voted to adopt the regulation as amended.

Assistant County Attorney Wes Garrison described events held celebrating Law Day on May 1. Presentations were made to grade school students by law professionals in the area. The event is funded by the Riley County Bar Association. Commissioner Kearns suggested expanding the event to high school age students by holding mock court trials.

County Treasurer Eileen King announced all “E-F-G” tags are due. Production problems are causing the State to discontinue issuing new plates for all renewals. People coming into the office will not receive a new plate however persons submitting mail requests will be sent the plates.

Commissioners expressed continuing concerns about the budget request submitted by the Health Department. They are asking for greater clarification between City/County funding and grant funds.

County Counselor Clancy Holeman reviewed statutory requirements pertaining to soil erosion reviews held following complaints. The Commissioners conducted such a review that afternoon.

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