Friday, July 23, 2010

USD 383 Board of Education

July 21, 2010
Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer

Regular meeting:
The board was presented with the pre-schematic design plans for Marlatt Elementary. The plans included a new kindergarten and special education wing on the southeast side of the building, and a new gym on the north side.

Board members were presented with a proposal for health insurance with Preferred Health Systems for district employees. District employees will have three options to choose from. The cost to the district will increase approximately $309,000, but that amount is much lower than the anticipated $758,000 that it would have cost the district if it had stayed with the current plan.

The board discussed the 2010-11 budget and options for mill levies. The mill levy for the bond and interest fund will increase as planned by approximately 1.6 mills due to the voter-approved construction bond. Board members discussed at length the capital outlay mill levy, currently set at 5.5 mills. Administration presented an option that would lower the capital outlay mill levy to 4.0 mills, and a second option that would keep the levy at 5.5 mills. Pete Paukstelis said he wanted to keep the levy at 5.5 mills at the minimum because the public has told the board that they don't want to see the district's buildings fall into disrepair again. Other board members also wanted to maintain a carry-over balance of at least $1 million. Nancy Knopp said that since the bond and interest mill levy has to increase, she would like the board to find additional budget savings to compensate in an effort to keep the overall mill levy relatively flat. The board will continue the budget discussion at its August 4th meeting.

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