Eileen King, Treasurer, gave her monthly financial reports. Investment income is at 57.05% of Budget, with 58% of the year expired. The interest rate on checking is 0.03%; on one-year investments, 0.65%. July report of sales tax (May sales) was $248,487.44. This makes to-date, 74.45% of annual Budget. Counting all sources of revenue, after distributions, County received $429,496., which is 3.07% above budget. Clancy Holeman, County Counselor/Dir of Admin Services, reported on the meeting of Legislative Policy Committee. He mentioned a tipping fee for KDHE to be raised $1 per ton, the proceeds to go into a State pool. Credit card payment for County services is near approval. Farm Bureau is preparing a proposal for a Bill to remove County Commissions from the duty of soil erosion inspections, perhaps except in emergencies. Johnson County proposes a bill permitting Counties to perform emergency repairs to roads and bridges without the bidding process. Next meeting is Sept 23.
Holeman distributed to Commissioners a proposal amending the Form Quarantine Orders, which originally were formulated when TB was a common health problem. RCPD and the Health Department have been working together to clarify methods of protecting law enforce-ment officers as well as persons being quarantined. The designated Health Officer (presently the Director of the Health Department) is empowered to deal with epidemics, and may need to direct enforcement by RCPD personnel. Obviously, cooperation is of paramount importance. Commissioners approved the proposed procedures 2-0.
Rich Vargo reported on meetings of County officials with representatives of the Health Department on Aug 9 and this morning. County is making every effort to reassure Health Department employees that their positions will be protected in the County takeover. In the transition, health insurance is a being adjusted: employees of County pay small part of their insurance, (as Health Dept employees have not done) but HD employees will receive coverage including dental and vision for only slightly more. County is carefully studying policies on sick leave and annual leave to ensure fairness. Classification adjustments to pay increases are being made so as to place people properly, not to deprive anyone. Vargo will be meeting with County Auditor to discuss the accounting system of the Health Dept and how it will be either integrated or set up as "Fund Entity" system. McCullogh suggested Vargo keep a record of the overload in his duties as he is overseeing these transition issues, so he can be compensated.
Adjourned. Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg.
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