County Commission Oct. 17, 2011
Commissioners McCulloh and Lewis present.
Manhattan Township petitioned Riley County to take over a number of roads in the Fairmont area. The Commission agreed to designate only two roads, Messenger and Rannells, because use of Fairmont Park increased the use of these two roads.
Resurfacing of road ways within Lakewood, Driftwood and High Meadows has begun. The cost of this will be assessed to the residents on these roads.
Andrea Feldkamp announced the 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus program garage sale Friday and Saturday at Pottorf Hall. The proceeds will be used to help fund the trip to Washington, D.C. Citizenship Washington Focus, is a summer educational conference held at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center. Through hands-on educational workshops and sightseeing tours in Washington, D.C., they will learn about the history of our nation, the leaders who have shaped it, and how they can apply the leadership and citizenship skills they learn during CWF when they return home.
The RCPD presented a certificate of recognition to Laurel Martin, a Riley County citizen who called 911 after she witnessed a car accident. The victim had been thrown out of the vehicle and Ms. Martin helped keep her calm and shaded her with a blanket to keep her and the emergency responders out of the 105 degree heat. Martin knew the victim and arranged to pick up her son from the Riley pool and care for him until the victim was out of the hospital.
Gregg Eyestone, told the Commission that there would be a tree tour in City Park on Wednesday at 5:30. The tour would highlight 35 varieties of trees, and the hope is that people would consider planting their own trees. Brochures with information about the trees and their locations are available in the park and at the Parks and Recreation offices.
Julie Merklin, Observer
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