Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Riley County Commission 3/18/12

BOCC March 18, 2012
All Commissioners
An amendment was made to section 18 Nonconfornmities of the Riley Countyy Zoning Regulations which allows the repair or rebuilding of houses on 20 acre parcels of land.  It has the effect of maintaing crop land while still allowing dwellings which were lived in recently to be restored when necessary

Kristi Ingalls announced the AmericanRed Cross Blood Drive.  She emphasized that each pint of blood has the potential to help 3 people, as it can be broken down into red cells, platelets and plasma.  Blood can be donated by a person every 56 days.

Cindy Volanti announced that the deadline for applications for Health Adeministrator is March 31.  Applications may be made online.

Rich Vargo said that early voting for school board and city commission will begin in person at the county office on March 25.

Linda Glasgow from the Riley County Museum announced the closing of Wolf House Museum on Feb 18 and said that it will re-open upon completion of the restoration work being done in the Ease Bedroom.  This project  includes removal of the modern bathroom addition, plumbing and electrical fixtures no longer needed and old wall paper.  All work will be documented along with historical clues that are found allong the way.

There was some discussion of bills in the Kansas legislature including one about concealed carry in public buildings.  One proposal would require stringent security arrangements including metal detectors and/or guards at all entrances.  The BOCC expressed concern about what that would cost. 

Julie Merklin, observer

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