Monday, March 25, 2013

Riley County Commission March 25, 2013

Joan Strickler, obsrver

Riley County Commission March 25, 2013

Commissioners Ron Wells, Robert Boyd and Dave Lewis present, Lewis presiding.

County Clerk Rich Vargo responded to a criticism brought to the Manhattan Mercury about his hiring of his son to work for the County.  Vargo explained the job involved a one time, approximately 4 hour responsibility of gathering voting results from precincts and delivering them to the elections office.  He said it is not unusual for someone in his position to have a member of the family or a trusted friend handle the job.  It is important to know the person and have absolute trust in their integrity.  The Commissioners agreed to the decision and asked for more information on the County’s conflict of interest policies.

County Treasurer Eileen King presented a request to eliminate an “as needed” position on her staff and create a new full time position.  She spoke of increased workloads on present staff due to the State’s new vehicle and license registration system.  Commissioner Wells moved to approve the position and Commissioner Lewis supported the motion.  Commissioner Boyd voted against.  Motion passed.

Dawn Shoffner spoke of a new Community Voice Survey listed on the County website.  It has been developed to solicit public opinion.

Johnette Shepek reviewed the 2014 Budget Calendar for the County.  Letters will be sent out in April to entities wishing to make their budget requests.  This would include such agencies as Big Lakes Developmental Center, Pawnee Mental Health Center, the Chamber of Commerce etc.  Budget request presentations will be heard in June.  Commissioners will hold work sessions on the budget from June 24 to July 11.  The budget is scheduled to be finalized by July 15, with final adoption in August.

Advance voting is in process and will end at noon Monday April 1.  Voting at the polls will be held April 2.

Presentations concerning the establishment of Public Building Commissions were made by Greg Vahrenberg, Piper Jaffray & Co., and Mary Carson, Triplett & Wolfe.  PBC’s may be created to finance buildings or facilities maintained and operated by counties or cities through the issuance of bonds.  The Commissioners agreed to study the matter and consider creating their own Public Building Commission.


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