Thursday, July 25, 2013

Riley County Commission

Joan Strickler, observer

Riley County Commission July 25, 2013

Commissioners Lewis, Wells and Boyd present, Lewis presiding.

The Riley County 4-H King and Queen presented Commissioners with the 4-H cookie jar.  The Fair begins officially today with a parade in Aggieville.

Commissioners mentioned receiving calls from some constituents unhappy with the possible creation of a public building commission.

County Counselor Clancy Holeman said it was time to set dates for inviting the County’s  legislative delegation to meet with the Commission.  He suggested looking at the dates of October 17 or 24.   Commissioner Lewis said his preference would be for the 24th but he could make the 17th if necessary.

The Manhattan/Riley County League of Women Voters have invited the Commissioners to meet with the League.  While Commissioner Lewis will be unable to attend he noted that when two or three Commissioners agree to attend such a meeting the County Clerk must also be present to comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act.  Since there are only three Commissioners, two automatically form a majority and can conduct business.

A lengthy review of proposed design standards pertaining to sub division road construction was presented by Public Works Director/County Engineer Leon Hobson.




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