Monday, June 23, 2014

Riley County Commission June 23, 2014

Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Boyd, Wells and Lewis present, Boyd presiding.

During the “Commission Comments” section Commissioners discussed the advisability of establishing a watershed district to deal with flooding problems on Wildcat Creek.  Apparently residents in the area are not showing much support for the idea.  Watershed districts become permanent once they are established, have taxing authority, and may take care of a current problem but lead to others in the future.

The Commission is in the process of developing the budget for 2015.  Actions taken by the Kansas Legislature this past session, such as eliminating counties’ abilities to tax mortgage registration fees, have caused a drop in Riley County’s anticipated income.  Yet needs are expected to increase.

According to Human Resource Manager Cindy Volanti, the Department of Labor posted the Consumer Price Index at a calculated 1.60% increase.  Average step increases among all County employees for 2014 would amount to 3%.  Going with the previously adopted procedures for salary increases this would mean an average total increase for personnel of 4.6%.

EMS Director Larry Couchman said, with the growth in the community and the growing volume in ambulance calls, he would like to have authorization to hire six additional personnel to staff another ambulance for 24 hour shifts.  This would require adding $95,000 to his budget request.

Couchman and Captain Kurt Moldrup spoke of anticipated needs as Country Stampede gets underway this upcoming weekend.  This Stampede is expected to bring the largest crowds ever.  The weather may be a problem with rain in the projections.  

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