Thursday, February 26, 2015

Riley County Commission February 26, 2015

Joan Strickler, observer

Riley County Commission February 26, 2015

Commissioners Wells, Boyd and Wilson present, Wells presiding.

Commissioner Wells said he would like to have the Commission check with other related entities to determine the cost of building shooting ranges.  The County is looking into building such a range for training law enforcement personnel.

County Attorney Barry Wilkerson reported his office is wrapping up a murder trial.  Current staffing appears adequate to meet the needs in his office.

Kevin Houser, IT/GIS director, said his office has now incorporated flood plane data on the GIS website.  The 2015 County appraisal values have been added as well.  Currently staff is working with the Health Department on getting the medical records on-line system up and running.

Human Resources manager Cindy Volanti announced the County payroll process is now totally automated.  Each employee is responsible for posting his or her hours and the system takes over to complete the job.   

 A considerable amount of time was spent discussing the employee position review process.  As positions change and evolve they need to be reevaluated for position description and appropriate salary level.  The department heads supported a system in which the HR Manager presents the reclassification request to the McGrath consulting firm for a point factoring to decide placement on the salary schedule.  McGrath has developed the overall system for the County in the past.  Commissioner Boyd questioned the need for paying the $150 per person fee for the recommendations in all cases.  After a lengthy discussion in which all the department heads spoke in favor of using McGrath for the determinations, the Commissioners all voted to support the request.

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