Friday, February 6, 2015

USD 383 Board of Education

Jan. 21, 2015

In light of state budget shortfalls and the impact that will have on education funding, the board discussed plans for reducing the budget.  A Budget Advisory Committee will begin meeting to examine possible budget reductions and to make recommendations.  Proposed reductions in state funding for education included elimination of some or possibly all weightings and reduction in block grant funding by $127 million for operating funds.  The impact to USD 383 would result in a projected reduction of $1,755,000.

The board also discussed a proposed agreement with the City of Manhattan for an easement to create a bicycle pathway along the vacated portion of Houston Street that runs through the campus of MHS-E.  The board had approved the easement on first reading at the previous meeting but had had a number of questions.  Questions included wanting to know who would be responsible for maintaining the bike path, could signage be included that would warn cyclists that they are entering a parking lot, signage requesting that cyclists yield to pedestrians, will school administrators have the authority to ask loitering cyclists to "move along," etc.  Peter Clark, with the City of Manhattan, answered board members' questions and indicated that requested signage could be included and that the city will be responsible for maintaining the bike path.  Board members approved the agreement 7-0.

Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer

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