January 21, BOCC Kearns presided, McCulloh present Johnson absent
Kearns reported on the Law Board meeting. One of the suggestions for cost savings was buying items in bulk with the other involved entities. He also said that there will be a need for more employees when the LEC expansion is finished and operating. Riley County law enforcement costs are the second lowest in the state, he said.
Pat Collins, Emergency Management Director, reported on the rural fire stations. May Day, Swede Creek and Blue River Hills are getting close to completion. The lot has been cleared for the new station at the end of Tuttle Cove Road - the debris will be burned when the weather is right. There is to be a training room at the Randolph site and the Advisory Committee will be asked to set priorities for its design.
Debbie Regester, Register of Deeds, reported on 2009 year end revenue.
Total revenues budgeted , $ 1,022,921 , actual $ 1,023,447
Revenue in 2008 was $1,057,133
Regester also said there would a new hire on Jan 25, and one employee will be going to Land Title School in early February.
The new County website design was decided upon.
Brad Schoen, RCPD Director, said that as part of the 2010 goals, the RCPD and municipal court are working toward coordinating software to make the issuing of citations efficient. They will go to electronic ticketing which will save time, especially in data entry. Right now there is one employee that enters citation data all day.
Schoen said that organizational planning for the opening of the new jail expansion is in progress. One goal in reorganization is to reduce overtime.
Johnette Shepek, Budget and finance Officer, reported on the proposed consolidated emergency dispatch which would need 5 additional dispatchers. The total annual cost would be $221,555. There are a number of alternative ways to divide these costs among the City of Manhattan - MFD, Riley County Rural fire, and Riley county EMS - Ambulance. The BOCC is looking at these alternatives considering the impact on the county Budget.
Johnette Shepek presented alternatives to funding some of the prioritized, imperative, non-funded CIP projects.
The cash available is $360,551
The items are two Motor Graders, a 12 yard Tandem Axle Dump Truck, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Triler, Roadside Mower, Standby Power for the IT Department with a total of 387,000. The shortage is $36,449.
It was decided to not transfer $250,000 to the General fund freeing up funds in the CIP budget and to activate these items.
Julie Merklin, observer
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