Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer
Work session:
The architects for the construction project for MHS presented the programming design plans to the board. The information included the amount of space that will be added and what classes will be using the spaces.
Regular meeting:
The board received an extensive report about the Career and Technical Education Program at MHS. The program is intended to provide students with the knowledge and skills to prepare them for a career in a profession or for further education.
The board approved 7-0 the MHS programming design previously discussed during the work session.
The program and project managers for the construction projects reported to the board that local code officials have been in communication with the state architect and have said that Bluemont, Roosevelt, and Wilson Elementary Schools will have to improve their accessibility either with stair lifts or elevators, and it was the opinion of the program manager that elevators would make more sense.
The board discussed how to make up days missed due to inclement weather. Administration's recommendation was to add 12 minutes onto the school day beginning Feb. 1. The advantages of adding on minutes rather than full days included savings on custodial, transportation, and maintenance costs and allowing summer construction projects to begin as soon as possible. The school calendar lists June 1 and 2 as possible make-up days for inclement weather, so Susan Marshall questioned the reasoning behind designating those make-up days and establishing the expectation with families and employees that adding extra days will be the means for making up time, and then doing something else. Members of the public who addressed the issue expressed concerns about how adding minutes will affect schedules for childcare, lessons, and practices. Some board members were concerned that days added at the end of the year might not be used for instruction. The board approved 5-2 adding 12 minutes to the school day, with Marshall and Pete Paukstelis dissenting.
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