Thursday, January 28, 2010

Riley County Commission 1/28/10

Joan Strickler, observer

The meeting was convened by Chairman Kearns, McCulloh present.

Concerns were expressed about the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s decision to discontinue funding restaurant and hotel inspections by local health departments. KDA would assume the responsibility at the state level. County Counselor Clancy Holeman presented a proposed letter to be sent to Governor Parkinson requesting that funds be restored to continue funding inspections at the local level. Commissioner Kearns will contact City Commission Chair Strawn about joining in that response.

Holeman also presented suggested amendments to two bills regarding prisoners in the custody of the Secretary of Corrections but sent to the county level. The amendments would specify that any medical costs prisoners incur during their time in the county correctional facility be considered the responsibility of the Secretary of Corrections rather than that of the county.

Questions arose about the phone and IT system operated by the Riley County Health Department. The system is outdated and Commissioners asked Dawn Shoffner, assistant information technology director, to have IT staff prepare a memo on what her department sees as the deficiencies in the health department system. Concern was raised that two employees continue to use their own personal home email addresses rather than the county address. The Commissioners asked Shoffner to check into the advisability of taking over IT operations at the Law Enforcement Center as well.

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