Thursday, June 27, 2013

Riley County Commission June 27, 2013

Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Lewis and Wells present, Lewis presiding.  Commissioner Boyd joined the meeting shortly after 10:00 a.m.

Commissioner Lewis said he received a call from Ft. Riley officials informing him that 1700 troops have been drawn down there as part of an overall cutback in Army personnel.

Much of the discussion throughout the meeting focused on the potential requirements of the recently passed concealed carry bill in the Kansas Legislature.  State officials will be meeting to decide signage requirements for buildings being designated temporarily as not allowing concealed weapons.  There is a six month time period provided for counties to make permanent decisions on which of their buildings should remain free of weapons.  Temporary designations are required during the six month period.  Unfortunately the State officials meeting to decide signage requirements during that six month period will not be held until right before the deadline for getting the signs in place giving counties little time to act.

County employees are not now allowed to carry weapons while performing their County duties nor will they be under the new requirements.  It was noted that federal grants have provisions that no employee be allowed to carry guns.  A question arose about volunteer firefighters and how the law would pertain to them.  It was pointed out no weapons are ever allowed to be carried into a fire.

Other questions were raised about insurance.  Schools are finding insurance companies unwilling to insure them if weapons are allowed in their buildings. What would the insurance implications be for the County? 

County Extension Director Jennifer Wilson said 110 campers from Riley County attended 4-H camp at Rock Springs.  She described plans for the County Fair and told of cooperative efforts now underway between her office and the local Boys and Girls Club in providing learning opportunities for children.

Commissioners agreed to bring the CASA program (Court Appointed Special Advocate) into the County’s IT services.  CASA will be billed only for phone and long distance use.  




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