Commissioners Boyd and Lewis present, Lewis presiding.
Cheryl Collins, director of the Riley County Historical Museum said that she will be guiding a tour titled " a visit with K-staters in Sunset Cemetery " on June 23 at 2PM. It is free and open to the public. Meet at the front gate at 2 PM. More info at
Collins also reported that Museum Trustee, Edna Williams has been honored with two awards, one from the county preservation alliance and the other the DAR Historic Preservation award. She has been curator of Wolf House Museum since 1983.
Larry Couchman talked about the upcoming Country Stampede and the safety precautions planned by the city of Manhattan and both Pottawatomie and Riley counties. He stressed that individuals should dress appropriately to avoid sunburn and wear shoes, not flip-flops. Going barefoot is inviting trouble. He also stressed having a plan to deal with weather emergencies. He said that it is the Stampede weekend, so therefore there will be rain and/or storms!
Fire Chief Pat Collins announced that Riley County Fire District #1 has applied for and been granted $363,130 of the FY 2012 Assistance to Firefighters Grant which will allow both the fire district and the RC Emergency Medical services to upgrade their radios to Federal Mandate standards and replace others which can't be upgraded.
Commissioner Dave Lewis introduced and welcomed the new Health Department Administrator,Brenda Nichols.
Julie Merklin, observer.
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