Friday, July 1, 2011

Riley County Commission mtg 6-30-11

All Commissioners present.After routine business, Clancy Holeman, County Counsel, Administration, led an administrative work session. Main subjects were questions from Judge Miller about the Law Library and possible expansion of Courthouse hours. These were very well covered in the MERCURY.
Bob Isaac, Planner, conducted a public hearing concerning platting and rezoning of property owned by Robert and Linda Demmie on the west side of Tuttle Creek Lake. from G-1 Agricultural to A-5 Residential. The request was consistent with Riley County land use Plan, and had been approved by the proper zoning (Planning) Board. Approved 3-0.
Leon Hobson gave an update on projects. 1) White Canyon Road was inspected at a certain tube crossing at request of residents. Washouts had not affected the road itself, but had left sharp drop-off. Since the road is private, it is not the responsibility of either the County or the Township. County fixed it once for safety reasons, but further work is responsibility of resident. A letter will be sent stating County will assist in process of making it County or Twp road if they wish. 2) a City street (Front Street) in Randolph, which has contracted with the County to pave before. City feels the County Fire trucks turning on this street have caused deterioration. Unfortunately, the cost of materials has risen significantly. Randolph has only $19,000 in their budget, and complete overlay, which would be needed, would cost c $50,000. They will continue discussions with Randolph officials about other alternatives. 3) The Police firing range has now apparently experienced ricochets even after County removed all loose materials and built an 8-foot berm of soil. All inexpensive options have been tried. Further study is needed.
Johnette Shepek, Budget and Finance Officer, presented the latest version of the Budget Development Worksheet. Rich Vargo said that they had this morning received notice from the State that the KPERS contribution of the County will increase .6% and that the State Health Insurance (KS BC/BS) employer contribution will rise 15% (3-5% rise in employee contribution) as of July 1, 2011. This requires refiguring of numerous accounts. County officials and department heads continue to search for ways to reduce expenditures. Because of the City's sudden refusal to pay a share for the Health Department, the County must somehow find additional funds This also was covered excellently in the MERCURY. Consensus was reached on 1) figuring what would be the cost of 1% COLA, to be put in a footnote; 2) including $500,000 transfer to CIP (Capital Improvement); 3) not including ANY new employees; and 4) maintaining increase of 3% in funds for Indigent Attorney services, including high level felonies, although a higher raise has been requested. Also discussed was whether the City should pay for the incarceration of their prisoners. Inmate health costs are now over all limits (primarily one inmate with multiple health issues).
There will be no Commission meeting on July 4. Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg.

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