Thursday, July 14, 2011

Riley County Commission mtg 7-14-11

All Commissioners present. After routine business, Monty Wedel, Planning/Special Projects Director, requested action on a approval of a plat for Richard Britt. (No public hearing had been deemed necessary.) Approved 3-0.
Lyle Butler, Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, updated Commissioners on economic development matters. The Airline serving Manhattan airport is doing good business. Flights to Dallas and Chicago are basically 80% full. The second daily flight to Chicago begins Nov 17. Some people are looking into possible improvements to the terminal. Some have had to park on dirt when flights are full. The baggage an rest room areas a beginning to seem inadequate. Customers should be made aware that when work begins on that strip of K-18, there may be traffic delays on the way to the airport. Butler said they are very proud of the #1 rating of Manhattan in Forbes Magazine for cities under 250,000 population. He reminded that the status did not grow in only the last few years, but is the result of work begun 10-15 years ago. Many entities and individuals deserve credit, including City and County, School district, KSU, and RCPD. Ms McCulloh asked Butler to explain what is going on with NBAF and KBA (KS Bio. A). Butler explained that KBA was set up by Gov Sibelius by Statute. The present Governor has decided to reconstitute the NBAF committee It will be smaller. Butler thought it would include the Mayor, KSU President, our Congress people, and others. Butler discussed the non-formal regional economic development partnership developing among Manhattan, Lawrence and Topeka. It is partly an "attention-getting" entity to attract new research. Butler said Dick's Sporting Goods is set to open July 29. Red Lobster is still talking and planning. Ms. McCulloh expressed regret that the Budget would not allow an increase over the Chamber's last year $50,000, but said the County would contribute $5,000 to the Advantage Manhattan campaign.
Shelly Williams, Director of Community Corrections, said they have a slightly lower than average daily population presently in both adult and juvenile divisions. They have conducted 2784 drug tests on 308 adults, with 10% positive. The 16% no-show rate is expected to go down with planned enforcement methods. The juvenile division is feeling the effect of absent parents in deployment: more juvenile offenders and "child in need of care" cases. They have installed additional safety measures such as audio on cameras and hooks outside interview rooms for purses, packs and coats. Two staff received training in Washington, DC in safety measures and have in turn trained all personnel. Ms Williams said that the 4% increase in juvenile funds will cover the additional cost of KPERS. They received both grants they applied for, and adult services received only a 1.01% cut in funding, which they can accommodate by rearranging personnel duties.
Clancy Holeman, Counselor/Dir of Admin Services, said he has been in correspondence with the Indigent Defense Panel, with offers and counter-offers still in progress. The City has prepared a press release with regard to Wildcat Creek--couldn't hear. Apparently Mr Winn Butler of the City Commission has been questioning the City's 80% funding of RCPD. Since this is Statutory, Ms McCulloh asked "Why are we discussing this?" Other County Commissioners and Mr. Holeman agreed this a matter to discuss with the Legislature. Commission went into Executive Session with plan to adjourn at its finish. Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg.

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